Setting Tax Rates in Texas

SoftwareBoxFor almost 20 years, the Truth-in-Taxation (TNT) software application, which assists in calculating Effective and Rollback tax rates, has been used by hundreds of counties, cities, school districts and appraisal districts throughout Texas. With the introduction of the TNT application to ACT's product line, we look forward to further expanding our ability to meet our customers' needs. With TNT, you can be confident that you comply fully with all truth-in-taxation laws. To ensure your satisfaction, TNT even comes with a money-back guarantee. If you decide TNT is not for you, simply send it back and we will refund your full payment.

Simple, Easy to Use

Picture No figuring out complicated forms. Just enter the required data and TNT will do all calculations and complete all of the forms, schedules, and notices for you. TNT automatically calculates the notice and hearing limit. It prepares "what if" reports for examining the impact of alternative scenarios and investigating revenue implications of this year's effective and rollback tax rates. The software will even determine if a taxing unit qualifies for the simplified tax rate notice for small taxing units. To order, simply complete the order form and return it by fax, mail, or e-mail. You will be sent a password to download the latest version of the TNT application.